
Step One (and two) completed...

Today was certainly a momentous day toward eventual military service duty.
Went to the local district office (think Harringay, Islington, Walla Walla, etc., in this case 南港) and did the forms, took the pictures and bribed the officials (not really). Long story short: I'm officially a cog in the proverbial bureaucratic machinary, a draftee in a long line of draftees, a nameless, faceless numeric entry in a large government database.

Step One: Registration
"You're done with school?"
"Yes, for now that's is."
"Sign here. Ok, you can't leave the country anymore for the time being."

Step Two: Cutting through the Red Tape
"When's the fastest I can finish my service?"
"Hang on. Although it's already full, we'll add your name for next month's medical examination time slot.

Just saved five months worth of waiting.
The dye is cast...


At 8:39 下午, Blogger Travel Chick said...

This actually sounds rather painless. You mean you didn't have to bribe someone to get an exam next month? What sort of bureaucracy is that?

I'm sorry to hear you can't leave the country for a while. I suppose this means I have to cancel our vacation to the sandy beaches of Syria. I'll just have to visit the famous East Taiwanese party beaches.



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