當個海外替代役男已經有六個多月的時間 在偏遠地區服務輔助英語教學業務給我很多感想,尤其是在於我們國家推動英語教學的方式, 因為這牽涉到國家未來的發展跟盡淨力。 已後會無聊時會用這空間來探討以下的議題:
1) Why the Ministry of Education's English language policy is in need of improvement.
2) Challenges faced by students and schools in rural areas
3) Probable solutions and long term goals (not limited to English instruction)
Tomorrow, schools around Chiayi county will be carrying out evaluations of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders on a variety of subjects. Sixth graders will be tested in English language proficiency. What I'm trying to figure out is, what can the county government hope to glean from the results of these tests. English is not a graded subject in elementary schools in Chiayi. Students spend two 40-minutes class periods learning English. Yet, the mentality from the authorities seems to be: You must start learning English because it is important...we want results. There's nothing wrong with evaluating students and charting performance. However: what's the point if English is not a graded subject? The result of the ambiguous combination of 1) stress on testing and evaluating English proficiency and 2) a baseless English education policy that doesn't enforce strict standards on what each grade level must achieve, conveys a very confusing message to parents and their children.
What do you guys think?
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